Look who I found in a forest in France. Sunoj D on a one month residency at Vent des Forets, which is quite an incredible project in itself. Established in 1997, six villages whose livelihoods are based on farming and forestry have been inviting artists to develop their work in tune with the values of the territory. The community is very involved, hosting artists in their homes during the entire duration of the stay. The installations, now numbering over 200, are permanently spread around this 'open forest' - meaning you could go 365 days at anytime you want to see it - hike, bike or drive from point to point. This isn't public art in a sculpture park or urban space but something far more special because of the kind of investment the farmers feel in the work being created and how generations now have grown up and around these works. It's quite something to experience this and see how they engage, critique, question and mostly enjoy the work. Happy I was invited to open day where Forager Collective cooked a hearty meal of curd rice! Who knew I'd be eating 'Thayir Saadam' in a village in Europe. :)
16 juillet, 12:50
Associé à വിശ്വാസ മലക്ക് ചുറ്റും (oeuvre)