
#ArtAtHome - @eriknussbicker - @ventdesforets - Tourelles d’Y voir - Today, we are forced to experiment an introspection, a necessary self-reflect on ourselves and on the reason of our existence. Its the nature of Erik Nussbicker’s installations. Here, at the heart of Vent des Forêts, in Meuse, Erik Nussbicker erects a meditation tower, inspired by hunting watchtower. Perched on top of the sculpture, the stroller can observe nature and phenomenons of interdependence. The bronze model is part of @museedelachasseetdelanature collection. #ventdesforets #museedelachasseetdelanature #GalerieMaubert #installation #eriknussbicker #meditation @florentmaubert

03 février, 15:43

Associé à Tourelle d’y Voir (oeuvre)